Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Mailing System...

I know, it has been a little quiet on my blog for the past few days... But a lot has been going on here so I could not update anything...

I just came back after sepnding 2000 bucks on postage!!! (Okay, you may say that 2000 bucks in Rupees will be only about 40$, but still I had to pay that guy at the PO a full 2000 bucks!!!)

Shay, your parcel is on its way... And if it comes back this time, I guess getting onto a plane and flying to you and staying in your newly furnished guest room with those lovely towels would be much cheaper... Afterall luggage is free!!! LOL...

So, I'm going to tell you guys about the system I use for mailing... If it works for me, it could work for anyone... I am awful at remembering stuff... I eventually got things worked out...

1. When I get the info of my partner / I get the info about what I have to post and to whom, I write it down on a post it note... I put in the address, what I have to send, the deadline (if any) and other details... I put this up on the wall right in front of my sewing machine... So that I am reminded of my pending work everytime I sew something because I felt like...

2. When the item is done, I put it in an envelope and put the post-it onto the envelope... That way I can check if everything is in order... I have a dedicated wire mesh bin for this... I usually mail 4-5 parcels together, saves me a lot of time as I have to spend about 60 - 90 mins everytime...

3. When it is sealed, addressed and posted, I just note down the date of posting, weight, postage rqd and other details on the same note and paste it into an old diary that I keep only for this purpose...


I usually do not forget what I have to send... And I also have a record to refer when I am next posting... Okay things may change... Like, last time I had posted a parcel to Australia, the postage was 445 and today when I went it was 757!!! But that was 'coz the postage prices have increased in the period in between... This rarely happens... And now I know it can ahppen so I'll be more prepared next time...

LOL... So post-it notes are my mailing best friends!!!

Thanks guys at 3M... You have made a wonderful small little thing for me!!!

I love you!!!


  1. Dear Shruti,

    Thats a lot of money on postage. You must really like sending stuff around the world. I love your blog. I read it every day.
    Take care


  2. I dont have a mailing's pretty much fly by the seat of your pants here.

    Oh A parcel for me? They say the third time is a charm. I cant wait for it to arrive. Thankyou!


Thank you for your comments... I try to reply to all of them personally, but sometimes life is just too fast to do that... But I love hearing from you...