Friday, May 20, 2011

FQS Bella Parade Post # 20

I'm super excited about today's color!!! Its my favorite... I use it a lot in combination with black and white! I even did DH's showroom in these colors!

So, the color of the day is


Bella Solids Red Yardage SKU# 9900-123

How do you use this color??? The best way is the red and white quilts... And I'm going to highlight these in my post today...

People visit the "Infinite Variety: Three Centuries of Red and White Quilts" show presented by the American Folk Art Museum at the Park Avenue Armory on March 30, 2011 in New York City. The 650 American quilts from three centuries are coverings created mostly by anonymous quilters in the 19th century.  It is the single largest quilt exhibition ever displayed in one venue in New York.

People visit the "Infinite Variety: Three Centuries of Red and White Quilts" show presented by the American Folk Art Museum at the Park Avenue Armory on March 30, 2011 in New York City. The 650 American quilts from three centuries are coverings created mostly by anonymous quilters in the 19th century.  It is the single largest quilt exhibition ever displayed in one venue in New York.

All these are no doubt work of arts! I'd love to make a traditional red and white quilt some day!

What will you  pair it with?

Lets ask our guest quilter, Leena from Creative Instinct... She is one of the very few Indian Quilters that I know!

"Red is one of my favorite colors as its so versatile. Team it with bottle green and you have christmas---team it with yellow and light green for a bright summer look---team with red to get that classic elegance---team with black and the kids are ready for a game of football. just pair it with any  color to change the mood."

So what does Leena suggest?

Bella Solids Prairie Green

Bella Solids Prairie Green Yardage SKU# 9900-102

Bella Solids 30's Pink

Bella Solids 30's Pink Yardage SKU# 9900-27

Kona Cotton Green Tea

Kona Cotton Green Tea Yardage SKU# K001-351

Sweet Pickins Fat Quarter Bundle

Sweet Pickins Fat Quarter Bundle Darlene Zimmerman for Robert Kaufman Fabrics

Funky Christmas Santa Peace Christmas 

Funky Christmas Santa Peace Christmas Yardage SKU# CX4928-SANT

Kaffe Classics Green Paisley Jungle 

Kaffe Classics Green Paisley Jungle Yardage SKU# GP60-GREEN

Katy, has picked her favorites too...

Bella Solids Green , Bella Solids Blue & Bella Solids Pink 
paired with
Sew Cherry Red Sew DaisyTimeless Treasures Black Pin Dots  & Sew Cherry White Large Floral 

Bella Solids Green Yardage SKU# 9900-65 Bella Solids Blue Yardage SKU# 9900-64 Bella Solids Pink Yardage SKU# 9900-120
Sew Cherry Red Sew Daisy Yardage SKU# C2525-REDTimeless Treasures Black Pin Dots Yardage SKU# C5255-BLACKSew Cherry White Large Floral Yardage SKU# C2520-WHITE

Aren't their choices fabulous?

Loved them myself...

What about you?

Is your shopping cart to heavy to push? I guess I'll be getting my load here via a container! Does USPS have Priority Containers??? LOL

What do the SAHMs from you tell your DHs? How do you convince them to spend money on fabric? I need some tips here... I totally suck at it...

So upload your photos to the Flickr Pool
Rules of the game?
You know them all...

1. You can enter ONLY ONE photograph  in the next 24 hours! 
2. Irrelevant or disqualified photographs will be removed from the group pool... 
3. If anyone is found uploading photographs NOT CLICKED BY THEM BUT DOWNLOADED FROM THE INTERNET  they will be banned from the group.
4. The photograph MUST contain the "Color of the Day" - Red!
5. Uploads allowed until 11.59 pm 20th May 2011, GMT. 

Have Fun!!!


1 comment :

  1. I have a picture of a quilt Red, Black & White that I made for my GD's 16th B-day - but, alas, I don't know how to get to the Flickr page to post it :-(


Thank you for your comments... I try to reply to all of them personally, but sometimes life is just too fast to do that... But I love hearing from you...