Monday, October 22, 2012

Know Thy Machine : Post # 1 : Emily

The first quilter on our list for the Know Thy Machine blog hop is Emily from Mommy's Naptime.

Apart from being a wonderful blogging friend of mine, she is a wiz when it comes to tiny piecing! She is also one of the most amazing Pellon Artist... We were paired in the Doll Quilt Swap 10 and that was where our friendship began!!!

Hop on to her blog today and find out what she has to say about her sewing machine!

And I'll ask you a question tomorrow about her blog post - you answer that for a chance to win a $50 Gift Certificate from Fat Quarter Shop!

So what are you waiting for...

And if the post hasn't come up yet, please have some patience... We all are spread across the globe and are covering almost all the timelines... Just check back later!


1 comment :

  1. Oh yeah, that's my reminder to put my blog post live! :) Time zones - eek!


Thank you for your comments... I try to reply to all of them personally, but sometimes life is just too fast to do that... But I love hearing from you...