Friday, October 11, 2013

Bella Parade '13 : Grand Finale Winner

Hey guys!!!

Have been totally busy for a while... Plus the fact that the home telephone (and hence the internet) was dead, did not help things!!!

Finally got stuff sorted and here it is

The name of the Grand Finale Winner!!!

Drum roll please...

 Commentor # 18

And that is













Congratulations Lisa!!!

Shoot me an email with your address and the prize will be on its way to you!!!

And the reason that the FQ Bundle has 30 solids while the yardage has only 29 is that, after the solids were out, Moda realized that two of their shades were just too close together and so they discontinued one of it!



  1. congratulations Lisa.... but what was the answer to the riddle?

  2. Ah - thanks! Just seen your update :-)

  3. Thanks for the answer Shruti and the Bella Parade posts. Congratulations Lisa!

  4. Congratulations, Lisa! Thanks for the great parade Shruti!

  5. Thank you Shruti &Bella Parade !!! It was fun all the way.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


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