Thursday, November 11, 2010
Here, all my wonderful ladies, I present to you, someone who I do not think needs an introduction... Her blog is read by almost all of you who read mine... But I'm so happy that Allison from Cluck Cluck Sew agreed to do a Gift Bonanza Special guest post here...

Shh... She has also agreed to give away something special for one lucky reader... Read on to know more...

I’m so flattered that Shruti asked me to guest post here today! My name is Allison from over at Cluck. Cluck. Sew. Shruti asked me to give some insight into my holiday gift making. This year I have quite a few things I’m making for relatives…for example:
I’m making a few of these for close relatives:
And at least a few of these for my close friends:
I’m also going to be making a baby quilt like this one for a baby gift/Christmas present for a friend:
For my sister in laws that we don’t really buy big presents for…I’m making one of these for each of them and buying a few cheap lip glosses to put inside.
Shruti wanted me to answer the following questions….so here goes!
1. Which is your favorite holiday? Christmas…because its all about family and coming together.
2. What is your family tradition for that holiday? The night before we all get new pajamas and read the nativity story together and open gifts from Grandparents. Christmas day we get our Santa gifts, play with them, eat breakfast, and save the family gifts for later in the day. It makes the day last longer for the little kids and they get to enjoy their new things.
3. How do you celebrate Christmas? By being with family and making that a priority above all the holiday craziness.
4. What did Santa Claus mean to you as a kid? I’m not sure I ever thought about what he meant to me. But as I get older I think I he represents hope, and instills faith in children who have never seen him…but know he’ll come.

Thanks Shruti for this opportunity!

And now about the giveaway... Allison is giving away a pdf format copy of one of her patterns... The Chain Reaction...  
Visit her blog and come back and tell me which one of her patterns is your favorite... One entry per person... I'll pick a winner along with my scraps winner when I come back from my wonderful trip with hubby!!!

Chain Reaction Hard Copy copy_thumb[1]


  1. I really like Allison's raw edge circle quilt ... Thank you both for the giveaway!

  2. I absolutely love the raw edge circle quilt. I love her blog and have always been drawn to her modern blue quilt also. Thanks for the chance to win one of her patterns.

  3. I love the coin quilt AND the chain reaction - don't know which one I love more! Thanks for the chance!

  4. Swirly Pop is my favorite. Thank you for the giveaway.

  5. I love the seeing red quilt and the baby quilt posted here.

  6. I love them all - but the basket case or the peppermint twist would be my favorite!

  7. Thanks for hosting such a lovely giveaway.
    I love Basket Case. It's a lovely quilt design plus the quilt in the photo was made with Bliss (which I love love love).

  8. Chain reaction is my favourite!


Thank you for your comments... I try to reply to all of them personally, but sometimes life is just too fast to do that... But I love hearing from you...