Friday, January 28, 2011

SSF Post # 10 : My Sewing Space: A Work in Progress!

Today's guest is a lady whose blog I had won a quilt on! That was the only giveaway I have ever won!!! I guess I have used up all my chances right there... ;)

So go have a look at her sewing space while I get on with looking after my sick DH... Poor thing has caught a really bad virus and is in bed coughing and shivering... :(


Thanks Shurti for inviting me to visit here. My sewing space is a bit of a messy corner of our sitting room.

Here’s a picture taken from my kitchen. The door on the left is our main entrance (yes there’s always a box of stuff waiting at the door for some reason or other) then the space on the right is my sewing space and our sitting room. It’s a tiny room and I use it the most.

I’ve crammed as much into this space as it humanly possible and still be ‘tidy’, haha. There are bags and baskets and suitcases, all with different projects in.

On my sewing table is a tiny space for the machine, on the right you can see plastic bags with projects in progress.

You can see at the back of my table is a wooden letter rack  (which I paid $2 for) which holds patterns etc, my boxes of pearl cottons and one of those old extendable sewing boxes (which I paid $1 for) which holds threads etc.

So there, you have it... my space! A constantly changing, eclectic mix of thrifted treasures. If you want to see what I make in this space, pop over and visit me at my blog!


  1. oooooh, lovely. I love looking at other peoples sewing spaces, thanks for sharing. fantastic!


  2. Hi Shruti! I found your blog through the Quilting Gallery. It's cute! I love your 'About Me' description--especially the last line. Classic quilter! Happy sewing! :)

  3. Hi Shruti, thanks for having Deb show us her sewing is tiny, but in a very convenient location...I dread having to climb stairs to my knees are bad...I'd love a room on the main floor, but nothing is available. Are those Scrabble boards hanging on her wall? If they are, it's a great idea!
    Hope your hubby is on the mend.

  4. All ways fun to see others sewing rooms , sad to hear the your husband has a virus hope it gets feeling better quick!


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