Wednesday, April 27, 2011

FQS BP again...

I have been doing a lot if this lately

Thankfully it has not reached this stage

Busy with behind the scenes preparations - last minute - for the FQS Bella Parade show coming alive next month!!!

Oh my Gosh! You haven't signed up yet???

Bad Girl!

Go sign up...

Here's the link to the Flickr Pool...

You cannot let a chance to win 70 yards + of fabric go just like that!!! Can you?

Get your camera out and keep it with you EVERY MOMENT for the next few weeks... Dont mind if people call you a freak... They do not understand what even a tiny scrap of FREE fabric is worth... Ignore them and click your way to glory...



  1. I have a question about the pictures. Do they have to be current pictures or can they be pictures we have stored in our computer? Original ones of course.

  2. hey shruti... thanks for stopping by at the blog... I've been here many times. I found you sometime last year and was so happy to have found an Indian quilter who blogs. anyway... really like your work. and great to connect. :)


Thank you for your comments... I try to reply to all of them personally, but sometimes life is just too fast to do that... But I love hearing from you...