If you're here for the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day Giveaway please head over here.
If you've still not participated in the FQS Bella Parade Weekly Giveaway, go on here.
Little time left... I'll be drawing a winner later this evening or early tomorrow morning!
Its already Day 25!!!
This month surely flew by very fast...
So the color of the day today is
According to Wikipedia, "Turquoise is a slightly greenish tone of cyan (from Greek: ĪŗĻĪ±Ī½oĻ (transliterated: kĆ½anos), meaning "blue") . The color is based on the gemturquoise. The term comes from the French for Turkish.
The first recorded use of turquoise as a color name in English was in 1573."
To me, this color looks regal... But yet it does not feel royalty! It feels like to common man's blue!
Turquoise quilts look stunning

What will you pair it with? I am thinking White and Maybe a little Gray...
Here's What Sarah from Pings and Needles says
I really associate this colour with Brighton.
Seafront railings, lamposts, bandstands etc. are all painted a pastel tealy-turquoise colour.
and some days the sea and the sky are a combination of all these colours
So here are my picks -
they aren't all in my usual highly saturated safe zone ...
I thought I'd let Brighton do the choosing for a change!
Lovely choices, Sarah!
Thanks a lot...
Wow! Gorgeous fabrics out there...
Do you love the color?
Want to win a yard of it?
Play Along...
And for those who are following the Quilt Along... I'll be uploading the final post tomorrow! I guess at the speed you guys are going, the quilts will be ready before the end of the Bella Parade...
Rules of the game
1. You can enter ONLY ONE photograph in the next 24 hours!
2. Irrelevant or disqualified photographs will be removed from the group pool...
3. If anyone is found uploading photographs NOT CLICKED BY THEM BUT DOWNLOADED FROM THE INTERNET they will be banned from the group.
4. The photograph MUST contain the "Color of the Day" - Turquoise!
5. Uploads allowed until 11.59 pm 25th May 2011, GMT.
I love those fabrics...especially the turquiose!