Tuesday, May 24, 2011

FQS Bella Parade Post # 24

If you're here for the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day Giveaway please head over here.
If you've still not particiapted in the FQS Bella Parade Weekly Giveaway, go on here.

Today's Tuesday and we have a weekly power cut on Tuesdays... It does not necessarily mean that I cannot use my PC, but sometimes, the IPS server has problems here... So I'll get this post up early...

The color of the day, today is 


Bella Solids Grape Yardage SKU# 9900-45

This color, again like Purple, is royal

Deco Queen Bed Blair Grape Quilt Doona Cover Set with Euros

Grape Patch Quilts

Gumballs Quilt Kit  - Grape Punch

What will you pair it with???

Lets see what our guest quilter - Mary Smith from Quilt Genius has to say...

Bella Solids Buttercup Yardage SKU# 9900-51

Bella Solids Clover Yardage SKU# 9900-73

Bella Solids Blush Yardage SKU# 9900-112

Bohemian Soul Green Caravan Yardage SKU# BOH-504

Bohemian Soul Bright Ditsy Yardage SKU# BOH-605

Bohemian Soul Shine Endless Dream Yardage SKU# BOH-602

And Faith has picked another wonderful bundle for us!

Here's the bundle...

paired with

Bella Solids Gray Yardage SKU# 9900-83 Bella Solids Teal Yardage SKU# 9900-107Bella Solids Azalea Yardage SKU# 9900-144
Central Park Reservoir Linden Yardage SKU# 27063-11Kaffe Fassett Collective Green Shirt Stripes Yardage SKU# GP51-GREEN

Wonderful picks once again, Faith...

Like the color? Want to win one yard of it?

Play along!

Rules of the game

1. You can enter ONLY ONE photograph  in the next 24 hours! 
2. Irrelevant or disqualified photographs will be removed from the group pool... 
3. If anyone is found uploading photographs NOT CLICKED BY THEM BUT DOWNLOADED FROM THE INTERNET  they will be banned from the group.
4. The photograph MUST contain the "Color of the Day" - Grape!
5. Uploads allowed until 11.59 pm 24th May 2011, GMT. 

1 comment :

  1. Ooo, that Bohemian Soul fabric is new to me - gorgeous!


Thank you for your comments... I try to reply to all of them personally, but sometimes life is just too fast to do that... But I love hearing from you...