Monday, May 23, 2011

FQS Bella Parade Post # 23

Day 02 Week 04

If you're here for the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day Giveaway please head over here.
If you've still not particiapted in the FQS Bella Parade Weekly Giveaway, go on here.

Wow! This is going really fast and really good!

So whats the color of the day???


Bella Solids Lime Yardage SKU# 9900-75

Its a wonderful, bright, cheery (not cherry) color!

I love this one...

It looks fabulous in quilts... I found this sparingly used in traditional quilts... 
Much more in contemporary ones...

This color really pops out from the quilts!!!

Pairing this one is not exactly easy...

Here's what our guest quilter, Anorina from Samelia's Mum says...

"You must have a special sixth sense. Thanks for allowing me to play with this colour because I love, love, LOVE lime green. It's so fresh and vibrant. I think it's a happy colour and makes me smile. The fabrics I've chosen work well with lime (well I think so anyways) but not necessarily all together."

Bella Solids Cocoa Yardage SKU# 9900-180

Bella Solids 30's Pink Yardage SKU# 9900-27

Bella Solids Etchings Slate Yardage SKU# 9900-170

Modern Workshop Artisan Aqua and Green Exhibit Stripe Yardage SKU# 11171-21

Aviary 2 Dill Damask Yardage SKU# JD43-DILLX

Lovely choices, Anorina...

Here's Faith's palette...

paired with

Bella Solids Magenta Yardage SKU# 9900-92 Bella Solids Caribbean Yardage SKU# 9900-86 Bella Solids Etchings Slate Yardage SKU# 9900-170
Isabelle Christmas Blue Candy Stripe Yardage SKU# 3003-1Kaffe Classics Red Roman Glass Yardage SKU# GP01-REDDSanctuary Seafoam Orchid Feng Shui Yardage SKU# DS4713-SEAF-D

Looks great!!!
Some more shopping reasons out there...

DH is really going to be worrying by the end of the month... ;)

Whats in your shopping cart?

Want to win a yard of Lime?
Play with us...

Rules of the game

1. You can enter ONLY ONE photograph  in the next 24 hours! 
2. Irrelevant or disqualified photographs will be removed from the group pool... 
3. If anyone is found uploading photographs NOT CLICKED BY THEM BUT DOWNLOADED FROM THE INTERNET  they will be banned from the group.
4. The photograph MUST contain the "Color of the Day" - Lime!
5. Uploads allowed until 11.59 pm 23rd May 2011, GMT. 


  1. I have yet to make a lime green quilt .. but there's time. I especially love the picture of the quilt with the black and white and lime green.

  2. LOVE the LIME. And I've got the perfect to post.


Thank you for your comments... I try to reply to all of them personally, but sometimes life is just too fast to do that... But I love hearing from you...