Saturday, May 14, 2011

I cannot upload any pics!

I have been trying since today morning... I just cannot upload any pics...
What do you guys suggest? We take a break for 2-3 days and resume FQS Bella Parade or I go ahead without any photos and just post the links?

Leave a comment (if blogger allows you) or mail me at 13woodhouseroad(at)gmail(dot)com


~~~~ see no signature either.. :( ~~~~


  1. blogger has not been behaving itself for the last couple of days. maybe your problems are some fo the same that have not yet been fixed. Good Luck!

  2. I have just written a post on the Christmas block swap blog and it let me post pictures, but yes blogger has not been very nice for the last 24-48hours

  3. midnight west coast time in the US is the slowest time on the internet... too many lonely hearts looking for love, I guess.


Thank you for your comments... I try to reply to all of them personally, but sometimes life is just too fast to do that... But I love hearing from you...