Saturday, June 30, 2012

The list!

A few months back - was that already 2 years? OMG! - I wrote a list!

Today I'm writing another list!

But the difference is that THAT was a wishlist and this is my to-do list!

I'm joining Emily to make this fun! She's having a FIUW (Finish it up Week) on her blog!


So here's my LIST

1. Baby Bibs + Burp Cloths - 10 sets (7 bibs done!)
2. Baby Shoes - AMH pattern - 5

3. Birds on a Branch Mobile with Spool Birds (6 Birds done) 3

4. Baby Quilts  - 10 All finished!!! Have them in stock! Yay! But I'm sure I'll make some more!
5. Pillow Covers - 10 sets of 2s (1 set ready)
6. Tote Bags - 5
7. Mug Rugs - 10 sets of 2s
8. Table Runners - 3
9. Coasters - 5 sets of 4
10. Aprons - 10 (4 done)

11. Kitchen Napkins - 5 sets of 2s
12. Door Mats - 3
13.Tissue Pouches - 20 (10 done)
14. Pencil Cases - 10
15. Samosa Pouches - 10

16. Good Old Zipper Pouches - 10
17. Notepads - 5
18. Crayon Roll - 3
19. Art Carrier Tote - 2

20. Fabric Boxes - 5 sets of 3
21. Twin Size Quilts - 2
22. Queen / King Size Quilts - 2
23. Simple Swirl Skirts for little girls - 5

24. Circle Earbud Pouch - 5
25. Greeting Cards with button art - 10 sets of 2

I guess I'll have to have a Finish-it-up-three-months!
My personal target is to wrap things up by August-end!

Hope I make it through!

Wish me luck!



  1. Oh I want to make those little shoes!! I have the book : )

  2. After seeing your list, I don't feel as bad about my list. I hope you can get all of the items made that you want to for you craft fair. I have been considering doing the same thing, but it's a daunting task thinking about how many things I might have to sew up (and finding the time to sew it all)!


Thank you for your comments... I try to reply to all of them personally, but sometimes life is just too fast to do that... But I love hearing from you...