Monday, October 29, 2012

Know Thy Machine : Post # 7 : Emily

Did you enjoy last week?

We sure had some fabulous names in there!

Welcome to week # 2

And we're going to have fun this week too!

Here's he list of the participants this week

Emily (She does not have a blog) Guest Post on Mommy's Naptime
Shyamala from Banyan Tree Quilts
Kelly from Sew Kelly Sew
Kelly from Humming Bird
Alyce from Blossom Heart Quilts

First up is Emily. She does not have a blog (though after looking at her work I felt - WHY NOT!) She is a superb seamstress and she also does fabric printing!

She is going to be guest posting on the other Emily's blog Mommys Naptime. But here is a link to her flickr stream...

Here are both the Emilys - (or shall I write Emilies??? Grammar... ) with their Round Robin Quilts...

So hop over to Emily's (the other Emily) blog to real Emily's (today's Emily) post!


Coming to the interesting part - Giveaways...

I will be drawing a winner from the last weeks comments (whoa there are 335  of them in a total of 5 posts!) later today!

And as you guys know the winner will be getting a $50 Gift Certificate from The Fat Quarter Shop

Good luck to all!

Today's question :

How long has Vicki had her sewing machine (the one described in the blog hop post?)

a. 6 months
b. about 3 years
c. over 5 years.

Leave a comment with the correct answer ON THIS POST.

Winner will be drawn on Monday 5th November 2012 at 10.00 am IST.



  1. haha... :) Now you know the confusion! Sometimes our guild friends call us generically "the Emilies" which is fun! :)

  2. She's had her machine for about 3 years.

  3. Vicki's had her machine for about 3 years. :D

  4. Vicki has had her machine for about three years.

  5. b. Three years. Thanks for the opportunity to win!=)

  6. The answer is b, almost 3 years.

  7. She's had her machine for about 3 years. B

  8. Vicki has had the machine 3 years. I have personally sewn on her machine.Doesn't she do beautiful work!
    Thanks for the fun contest.

  9. She's had her machine for almost 3 years!

  10. Vicki has had her machine for almost 3 years.

  11. Vicki has been enjoying her machine for 3 yrs. I look forward to seeing more know thy machine posts!

  12. Vicki has been enjoying her machine for 3 yrs. I look forward to seeing more know thy machine posts!

  13. Vicki has had her machine for about 3 years. Still very interesting posts - love them. Thanks for the chance.

  14. Vicki has had her machine for close to three years now. I used it to make a swoon quilt block--which she taught me how to do.

  15. Three years, and I hope my machine is still treating me right by then!

  16. the answer is b, about 3 years

  17. almost three years.... love the Enily's post!


Thank you for your comments... I try to reply to all of them personally, but sometimes life is just too fast to do that... But I love hearing from you...