I used Random.org to choose the winner and here's what he decided to choose...
No 2 : Quilting in my Pyjamas!!!
Mrs P as she's known to many...
She said "What a generous giveaway Shruti.
My quote is one I put on my daughter's last quilt "Those who sleep under a quilt sleep under a blanket of love". It's not original, I found it somewhere on the internet.
And I'm a follower too but you already knew that !"
Yes Mrs P, I know you're one of my first followers... :)
Congratulations Mrs P ... Please mail me your address... And your prize will be on its way...
Life is just not being fair to me right now... Things are going from bad to worse...
Things that I have taken for granted...
People whom I've been trusting have suddenly changed their approach towards me...
Its painful to watch someone whom you love do damage to themselves...
And you cannot do anything about it...
Overall, life's getting as much depressing as the weather here...
But I believe in one thing, If you do not hurt anyone intentionally, God will not let you get hurt...
This phase will also tide over and the sun will be back... :)
I'm not someone to give up so easily... I'm going to stick to my place, fasten my seatbelt and hold on tight... Ready for any rough roads life may bring...
Shruti , I'm so thrilled to have won. This sari bedspread is just so cute. Thank you so much!