Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dad's 61st Birthday!!!

My Dad will be turning 61 on the 9th of this month... And its a family tradition that we celebrate it with a bang! We (mom, me and bro') were working hard to keep it a secret, but the cat is out of the bag now... So Dad knows we're having a BIG party scheduled for him in April with over 200 invitees!!!

So, whats the fun??? What he doesn't know is that we are having a party this Sunday!!! Its his birthday according to the Hindu Calender and we're having a ritual at home! Family Only! So, by the time you read this, I'll be in Satara with my guys supposedly working on the preparations of the April party, while actually we will be preparing for the Hindu rituals to be performed on the 6th of February!

I have a shopping trip planned to Pune today (so many gifts to buy... thinking about buying some fabric for dresses for the girls... LOL) And Friday I will be back in Satara. After that I get only a day and a half to get all the preparations done... Of course, little bro' will be there...

Pictures will come later next week...


1 comment :

  1. Shruti, wish your dad from me too.....we just celebrated my mother in law's 61st and all those rituals do make you feel wonderful.


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