Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bella Parade Quilt Along Post # 3

I'm so sorry guys, I forgot to put this post on auto publish!!! So dumb!!!

But here's the next post - better late than never


Hello kiddos!  Bry here again with the next installment of our colorful quilt along!
This week we are going to focus on putting together the center panel of you mini including the 9 tiny log cabins and the inner borders.  Oh If you need some help with ¼ inch seams or want some tips on pressing check here.

So here we go! First decide which colors you want to use together for each of your 9 log cabins.  I chose similar colors for each in different shades.

Let’s lay out the log cabin just to keep things straight and so that we all know what our finished product will be.

Make sure to press each seam outwards as you go to ensure everything is remaining square.  Pressing them outwards gives your log cabins that 3D appearance.  This is one of the few times I press my seams to the side because when working on such a small scale it is easier for me to use my baby iron for both control and to avoid burnt fingers. 

Also be sure to trim the block as you go.  We purposely cut the pieces a tad bigger because the 1in wide stripes can sometimes come off a bit wonky.  This allows you a bit of wiggle room to make sure everything stays square.

Attach A to B1, and then attach B2 to the opposite side.

Attach B3 and B4 to opposite sides.  Trim.

Attach C1 and C2 to opposite sides.  Trim.

Attach C3 and C4 to opposite sides.  Trim. 

DONE!  You now have 1 of your 9 baby log cabins completed!  Congrats! But now we need to sash these tiny little babies together so make sure they are laid out to your liking.

Use your 1” x 3” white strips to sash together 3 log cabins into a row.  Trim.  Then use your 1” x 9.5” white strips to sash together your rows of log cabins.  Trim.

Finally add your inner borders and trim to 12” x 12”.

And VOILA! Your center panel is DONE! YAY! Isn’t all that color just gorgeous?!

Next week we will be tackling the half square triangles and the outer border, which means your mini top will then be done!  Can’t wait! See you next week!  But don’t forget if anyone has any questions just shot me and email at bomara [at] gmail [dot] com.   Please add photos of your creations to the Flickr pool!  I would love to see them!

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