Friday, October 14, 2011

I have a mantle!

Home Reveal # 1

I've always looked at mantles from around the homes of my fellow bloggers and always wished I had a fireplace, only to use the mantle for decorating!

When I was redoing my living-dining room, I had no idea I would have one! (What kind of a dumb architect am I?)

My initial plan was to paint something similar to this painting in between the H-shaped wall unit...

Is is a painting in Cafe Mondegar in Mumbai by one of my favorite painters - Mario Miranda.

But when the cabinet was ready. I did not want to go ahead with my initial plan.

Instead I used the horizontal unit as a mantle!

It really turned out better than I had visualized.

This is a complete view of my Dining area.

Just thought I'd mention... The dining table must be almost a 100 years old! It belonged to my MIL's father (handed down to him by his father) which she used as a desk. I loved it so much that I overlooked the fact that its height is not quite enough to use a dining table and still use it!
Looking at the snap, I feel I need a new table runner. Dont you agree?

And the Living area

Since we have a formal living room downstairs (in my in-law's house) which we use for formal guests, we only needed a place where friends could plonk! This was perfect!

See the pillows I made

and my gorgeous elephant!

Welcome home, friends!!!

P.S. More reveals to follow... :)



  1. I love the mantle but i love the dining table more. I am hunting for a small table that could fit in my small kitchen....this one looks perfect :).

  2. LOVE that warli in your living area--that diwan looks really cozy too (my mom has the same cover for a diwan in the TV room. :)

    Your dining room looks wonderful, very user-friendly!

  3. It's so nice to see your house come together - renovating takes so much time and effort, but the rewards are many, right?

  4. Hi Shruti! Thanks for your response! Following you too now! LOVE that cabinet, your home looks beautiful!

  5. I love the way you are using the cabinet as a mantle. It creates a wonderful focal point.


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