Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I have kind of lost my mojo... Not sewing, but internet!
To really help things going, I just cannot log into my Flickr account! And theres' a stupid reason for that. I do not remember my password! And the backup email that I've left for it, hasn't been in use for a long time now. Also since I had opened the account waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy back - when I was in college! I had some stupid question as my security question, none of the answers that I can think of are letting me into my account!

I've just given up and will be opening a new account but right now, I'm too excited and busy to do that... Do you guys love Indian fabric? Then very soon I'll have something for you...

Here's what I'm busy with...

All those who know that I have an etsy shop must know that I'm on vacation (my shop is, that it, though I wish I were too)

So what have I been busy with?



and this

and some more of this

I have been ironing and cutting and folding and some more cutting these beauties...

I, along with two of my wonderful friends Ashwini and Gazal, am reopening my Etsy shop... But we've decided to rename it

We will be selling authentic Indian stuff - fabric to begin with... We have cut all of the fabulous stuff into precuts - FQs and Charm Packs mainly... 

We will also have some lovely ribbons and other stuff very soon...


  1. I love the shop's logo and i love the new look of your blog too! Looking forward to shopping with you!!!

  2. You selling authentic Indian fabric in your etsy shop is THE best news that I have heard recently. I can hardly wait !!!!!

  3. Tell me about your new name, O2ak. How do you pronounce it? Why did you pick it, etc.

    Congratulations on your new venture.

  4. welcome back to the blog world!! I was starting to wonder about you! :)

  5. great news!!! Bummer about flickr - hope you can get that organized soon!

  6. I love the fabrics in the shop. What i would really love is if you could also list some 'real' batting :).

  7. Hi!
    Now I see why you were not answering my Flickr mails! You can't get them!
    I was your July ALFALC swap partner and I am just wondering if you ever got my swap? I have not received one from you yet, but I am still waiting. Maybe it simply takes a really long time...
    If you need to contact me here is my email
    ardeannadoornbos at yahoo dot ca.

    Hope to hear soon!


Thank you for your comments... I try to reply to all of them personally, but sometimes life is just too fast to do that... But I love hearing from you...