Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Featured again...

If I could label each year, I'd label 2012 as the year of being featured!

It all began when Cindy invited me over to chat about my blog name in the Name Game.

After that, Carol asked me a whole lot of questions about quilting, blogging and IMQG over on Quilter Spotlight!

And today. I'm featured on Craft Corners

They feature not just quilting, but other art related sites every week. They call it Best of the Web! I'm honored to be featured here!

Previous featured people include Bea Spoke Quilts, Bumble Beans Inc., Ridge Top Quilts... There are many more...

You can also get some inspiration from the various articles on the site... So go have a peep and be prepared to get lost or go on a hopping ride into the blogland!

Meanwhile, I'll take a 2 day computer break!

Tomorrow is our Nemo party and right now kiddo's sown with his old foe - asthma! I am really hoping that he'll be okay by tomorrow...



  1. Congrats shruti!!!!But the url for craft corners says error. Pls chck

  2. I like what I see very much. E mail on the way!


Thank you for your comments... I try to reply to all of them personally, but sometimes life is just too fast to do that... But I love hearing from you...