Thursday, January 17, 2013

My rearranged sewing room!

I showed you the mess my sewing room looked like last week...

It did look like a bomb had gone off!

But now its done!

Actually it was done last Sunday. But I had taken a time out and did not show it to you guys!

Here's my rearranged sewing room!

The wardrobes are assembled and line one wall of the room, providing me some awesome sewing space!

And the rest of the room? Its filled with CLEAR surfaces!

And there is LIGHT!

I am so happy to have SO MUCH space to play around!

I can put up 5 machines if I need to! And the 30" x 2" table in the centre with the cutting mat gives me a wonderful surface for FMQ!

My room is so sew-in ready!

Hoping to have a blast at the next one!

Wanna join me?


  1. ooooh, who makes your giant cutting mat there you have in the middle?

  2. I want to sew in there! :) hehe.


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