Thursday, February 21, 2013

I wish I was at QuiltCon! 2

Did you know that after scheduling a post if you edit it and click save , it will go back as draft?

I didnt!

And that is the reason you're seeing my Wednesday post on a Thursday!


Take 2 of the I Wish I was at QuiltCon Party!!!

Your theme for these 2 days is


You make anything - quilting related of course, why else would you want to go to QuiltCon!
After you're done - link up below so that we can all visit each other virtually and ogle at what fantastic jobs we're all doing! 
You have to complete the item in 2 days there will be another theme for Friday & Saturday!
So off you go!!!

We will be putting in a gallery next week to see what everyone has been doing!



  1. So nice this link so strictly quilting-related ..... unfortunately no circles in my backgrownds!!!
    I'm inquiring about coming link!

  2. I wondered why you weren't posting this! Ha. I have an idea I must find time for this evening... :-)


Thank you for your comments... I try to reply to all of them personally, but sometimes life is just too fast to do that... But I love hearing from you...