Friday, January 31, 2014

The Transparent Window

 I am a member of a group "Art Quilts Around the World". Every 2 months we have a challenge and we make A3 sized quilts for the same.

This time the challenge was Art Nouveau

I loved this challenge the moment it was announced!!! 

It took me back to 1999 when I was in the Third year of my Bachelor of Architecture course and studied it in History of Architecture! It was my favorite subject - because I always scored well in it, or maybe I scored well because I loved it! No idea!
But this challenge took me back to my Sir Banister Fletcher  textbook - the big fat book of History of Architecture - that I loved so much that I stopped borrowing it from the college library and went and bought my own copy! I remember it was about 1400 rupees (About  32 USD at the time) My allowance was about 2500 rupees a month, so it was a huge investment!

But I loved it! It felt like a storybook! Filled with the most awesome images!!! 

I remember the feature that most interested me in the Art Nouveau period was the lovely stained glass windows! I imagined light filtering through them, taking the color of the glass and creating a story of its own!!! It all came back to me in a moment!!!

And so I decided the bring that quality to my quilt!!! 

Here's my Art Nouveau Quilt!

The Transparent Window!!!

I used my thread scraps to make the 'glass' in the center!!! 

And you know whats the best part???

Yes!!! It is TRANSPARENT!!! I layered the thread nests between two layers of Tulle and quilted it!!! I used a foundation paper which I removed after the 'quilt' was done!!! 

I am so happy that my experiment worked the way I wanted it to!!! 

Do you like this???

Do hop onto the blog to see the other wonderful entries out there!!!


  1. Love all your work..Only you can come out with such creative ideas and take on the toughest of challenges. Wish you all the very best for this challenge.

  2. Love that!!! What a creative way to use such beautiful scraps!

  3. Amazing! So glad I stopped by to see this project. Thank you for sharing.


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