Sunday, January 17, 2016

New Series Alert : Sunday cooking with Rohit!!!

This Sunday has been awesome!!! Well, most Sundays are for me lately.

Okay, everyone who follows me knows that I'm not a huge fan of gourmet cooking! Well, I wont kill my family of starvation, but I'd rather do the dishes than cook, given a choice!

Since the past few months, Rohit, my (way) better half, has started taking a keen interest in cooking! It could be because I dont like it and rarely make an effort, but I like to convince myself that it is because he genuinely enjoys it!

Thats my wonderful husband, with his favorite bike!!!

So this morning, he was making lunch and we started talking about blogging. I told him he should write a blog about his cooking adventures. I told him that I know he is not a pro, but so are 99.9% people out there! And I'm sure they would like to see how and what he experiments with! He looked a little interested.

Then I had a BRILLIANT idea. (I am intelligent, though not your ideal housewife!) I suggested him to do a guest column on my blog instead! I have an audience built up over the last five years. And I'm sure most quilters love food. And most quilters abroad love Indian food!!! And his recipes are simple (for now. I'm sure he will be experimenting and playing big soon) enough for anyone to make. His recipes are basic and down to earth. And more often than not, they are absolutely yummy!!!

You hungry?

So we will be starting next week! Every Sunday I, on Rohit's behalf till he gets the hang of blogging, will be posting yummy recipes that he tries. I will also include mine and Aadi's opinions about the recipes!!!

If there are Sundays that he does not cook?

I will whip something up (it will be the easiest and quickest, I promise) and put up a recipe!

Are you ready?


  1. Fabulous idea and I can't wait! My husband and I love Indian food, but there is not much available in Hawaiii. We always look for Indian restaurants when we travel. And like you two, my husband cooks more than I!

  2. I look forward to it! I hope I can find the spices here!


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