Sunday, December 1, 2019

Day 1 - 31 Day blog writing challenge - Introduction

I have been contemplating getting my blog restarted. The completion of my biggest project - which I haven't blogged about yet - and then the lethargy that came after that which was followed by floods that had a huge impact on my studio as well as my mind - are all excuses I have given myself.
So when Cheryl said she is hosting a challenge, I decided to join in.

The prompt for Day # 1 is Introduction

So here's mine

I'm Shruti and I am a quilter.

I have been quilting since 2010 (and blogging since then too). I'm known for the portrait quilts I make and also for teaching classes  inspired  by traditional Indian quilts.

You might have come across my latest work Shivarajyabhishek at the International Quilt Festival in Houston in November this year.

I'm looking forward to what t he coming 31 days bring!

See you tomorrow!

1 comment :

Thank you for your comments... I try to reply to all of them personally, but sometimes life is just too fast to do that... But I love hearing from you...