Sunday, October 22, 2017

Mom turns 60 and the kid turns ONE!

My mom just entered the 60th year of her life. As you read this post, we are all in Satara gearing up to celebrate her Birthday! With friends and family arriving within a few hours, the atmosphere is all charged up! 
My mom and share a very special bond. We have always been very close. I have shared everything with her most of my life. Even growing up, I knew I always had a friend in her whom I could trust.
She turned 60 on the 20th. I was away from her that day, with a lot of desire to go and join her in the celebrations. But I had to wait a day while we celebrated Diwali at home. I reached here yesterday. And Today's the day we are celebrating!
But, she does not know it!!! We are having a surprise party today! She does not read my blog, yet. And even if she did, we are celebrating at lunch so she won't have time to sit and read it before that! So we're safe!
All the relatives and friends are joining us today, some travelling for real far to reach here today. But we are all celebrating the wonderful person that she is. Every occasion, be it birthdays or achievements, she is the one who has been the most excited to celebrate. She has been awesome at holding the entire family together. She loves people! And people love her. 
I am a more soft-hearted and warm person that people can connect with only because of her. I don't think I would be half the woman I am if it were not for her. She has had her share of hardships, but I am proud of her. I may not say it often to her, but I really do love her!
Happy Birthday, Aai! May you be blessed with a long life ahead, filled with love and happiness!
Also, as we celebrate Mom's birthday, another little guy is celebrating his first one! 
I never thought that after getting married and having a child, I will ever fall in love again! But I did. I fell hard. And this guy just stole my heart the moment I lay my eyes on him! 
How much hold can a tiny human have on you? A LOT! 
He's my kid brother's kid - Dev. This little fella turns ONE today. And we are having a double celebration at the party!
He reminds me so much of Chaitanya (my brother) and Aadi at his age. And being an aunt to him has been nothing short of divine! I have enjoyed it more than motherhood! Maybe because I don't have to bother about the responsibilities!
Seriously, look at that adorable face! How can anyone not fall in love?
Happy Birthday Kiddo! May life bring you all the happiness in the world! May your life be filled with people who shower you with love and may you get all the success in life!
What are you celebrating today?

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