Friday, March 15, 2013

Sew Thinky Thursday : Week # 7

Emily has a knack of bringing out the best (and in today's case the worst) in us.

Her question today for the Sew Thinky Thursday is

Bad sewing habits. Do you have them? Share with us, what are your worst habits when it comes to sewing?

Have you noticed I always manage to answer the STT Question on a Friday morning?

 My worst sewing habit... Do I have one? I doubt...

I have many... LOL!

1. I turn the iron on to press my seams and have left it on for quite some time (minutes, hours, days... you get the picture?) I recently damaged my iron because of this and had to buy a new one! So far (since 8 days out of which 5 I spent in bed with a Viral Infection) I have turned it off every time I left!

2. Like many others, I do not change my sewing needle as often as I should. How else can I justify using the same "stretch" needle for FMQ-ing for the past 6 months?

3. I do a lot of impulse shopping. I admit, I buy a lot of fabric because I like it and not targeted at some project. I do that probably because it takes a long time for fabric to reach here! But now I think I will first decide the projects and then do my shopping! That will hopefully make me more productive. $$ spent on fabric and Rupees earned from work should match - if nothing else! (Who cares about the exchange rate?)

There are many more, but I think 3 is a good number to stop at. Or else, all my newly gained fans are going to run away top speed!

What are your bad habits?

Let us share!!!


  1. I am enjoying reading about all of the "bad" habits :) Luckily for me, my iron has an automatic shut-off feature, so if I don't move it for a bit, it turns off. I am really good about unplugging it when I'm done, though.

    I am also "bad" about buying fabric I like without having a project in mind. I always think I should buy fabric for specific projects, but it seems like I have to let ideas float around my mind for a bit and at times I like the fabric too much to take a chance that it will be gone when I decide what I'd like to use it for!

  2. I am awful at remembering to turn off my iron too, luckily mine has an auto shut off function.

  3. I do change my needle regularly! I saw everyone's stash when I started quilting almost two years ago and thought I was supposed to have one. I quickly figured out I'm a project person, not a scrap person. I now am trying to use up the stash I've built up (not huge). My worst bad habit would be buying too many projects ahead. I keep them (the fabric, pattern, and thread) in plastic storage bins ready to go but no one needs six projects worth because new things pop up every day!
    Writing from Dallas, TX

  4. I'm pretty lucky that my iron has an auto shutoff... but I'm with you when it comes to not switching out my needles often enough. The only time that I really switch them with regularity is when I'm FMQing... I get paranoid when I'm doing that and change the needle every couple bobbins. But simply piecing? I'll leave that needle in forever!
    Thanks for linking up this week!

  5. My bad habit is definitely buying fabric...all the time! Also leaving my rotary cutter open, which I think I have finally trained myself out of! No more injuries!!
    But, Shruti, you're bad habit #4 is never returning my emails. No matter where I send them!!! :)


Thank you for your comments... I try to reply to all of them personally, but sometimes life is just too fast to do that... But I love hearing from you...