Thursday, April 9, 2015

My favourite Tutorial

So I am getting my sewing mojo back and happy to return to the schedule of blogging. I wrote about the 52 Prompts to blog about in 2015 to ensure I am more regular at blogging and not just quilting my heart out.

You guys must get an opportunity to read about my quilting journey and how I learn and grow through the year. April is all about ' Tutorials' !!

You can see the original schedule here.

The tute I would like to highlight is my i-pad tutorial from 7th of July 2014. It has been a hugely popular post and is completely in sync with the new digital age where everybody owns one(well! everybody who is digital savvy and on the move owns one :) ) So its very apt with the times.

Let me know if you make one from the tutorial.
If you want to join for the 52 week blog post, drop me an email - on my new email address info[at]13woodhouseroad[dot]com or leave me a comment below with your contact details  and I will reach out to you!

1 comment :

  1. I guess I don't move with the digital times...I don't have one! I tried a tablet a year ago...didn't like it and went back to a laptop. Cute pattern tho~will have to make one for my much more "hip" kids :)


Thank you for your comments... I try to reply to all of them personally, but sometimes life is just too fast to do that... But I love hearing from you...